Monday, September 17, 2007

Video Crack

I can't believe I haven't posted since August. I am such a loser {placing forefinger and thumb L on forehead}. I've been a bit preoccupied feeling sorry for myself, but I'm thinking of putting a stop to that for a while.

I've also been very preoccupied with TV. I got my Fall Preview issue a week ago Thursday, and I snagged the Returning Shows Preview issue Friday. BB ends Tuesday, 4400 ended last night, Kyle XY has been on break for two weeks now, and I believe Eureka's season finale is this week or possibly next week. My summer shows are going and the New Fall Season starts for me tonight with Prison Break Season 3. Yay! Actually, I'm feeling a little ambivalant about PB because I read that Sarah Wayne Callies (Sarah) will not be returning after she gives birth this fall. While I'm happy for the actress and I'm sure she wants to be a mom for a while, I'm not sure I want to watch Michael without Sarah. Mostly I don't think I want to see Michael trying to bust out of another prison. I don't know if I'm going to like it as much. We'll see...

The video crack referred to in my title is Heroes Season 1 on DVD. The Vansome and I opted not to get into Heroes last fall. We had been burned the season before, falling for three new sci-fi-ish shows (Threshold, Surface, and Invasion) that were all cancelled, so we were leery of another sci-fi show that we might love and then lose. Besides, we already had a pretty full slate of new and returning shows to keep us busy.

Of course, I could hardly ignore the hype all season. Apparantly it was a Huge Hit and there was no chance of cancellation. Of course, it's episodic, so it was really too late for us to pick it up mid-season, when we had lots more room on our schedule since The Nine and Vanished turned out to be crap and NBC didn't love Studio 60 as much as we did. We stopped on a re-run a couple of times a few weeks ago and of course we really liked what we saw. That show is so right up our alley. Last Monday, I was bottoming out and the Vansome was desperately trying to think of ways to cheer me up. He decided to take me to a movie. The conversation went a little like this:

Vansome: (in desperation) Let's get out of here. Let's go see a movie. I'll see what's on.

Me: (defeated before I start) But I'm afraid that nothing will sound good and I'll shoot all your ideas down just because I'm depressed and then it'll taint all the movies with bad feelings and then we won't want to see them ever, and there's probably some good movies in there.

Vansome: (totally blown away by the confusion of my logic) Huh?

Me: (after short and pointless crying bout) How about we just rent a movie. I still have a membership at that place next to Dominos. Maybe we could start watching season 1 of Heroes, it just came out this week.

Vansome: (barely keeping up with the mood swings) Huh? Heroes, sure, ok, sounds like a better idea. Wait, why do you have a membership at a movie place?

Me: (sniffling but perking up) Remember last fall when you were at deer camp, and The Boy wanted to watch Lost, and so we rented the first disc of season 1, and then I realized that by the time I rented each disc, I would have spent more than just buying the set? I signed up then, but I haven't used it since because we bought the set.

Vansome: (starting to piece it together) Why don't we just buy Heroes then? Doesn't that make more sense?

Me: (fully recovered and perky for the first time in weeks) Great Idea Honey! Let's go to Best Buy!

So we watched the first two discs that night. We've watched a little every night since, making it as far as the end of disc 4. The Vansome was at deer camp all weekend, but The Boy was home, so I re-watched the first 4 discs with him, and then the first two episodes on disc 5. Last night I re-watched those two eps with the Vansome, so now we're at the same place and ready to finish up before the new season starts next week. We have been referring to it as video crack because every episode ends with a cliffhanger and it is so hard not to go on. I don't know what we're going to do when we have to wait a week every time. Except maybe have a life and not watch hours and hours of TV late into the night.

I've got more to say, but I've got to be somewhere. I'm hoping I'm back in my blogging groove again. We'll see. As always, I'm not going to promise anything.