Monday, July 2, 2007

So I guess you're wondering if I'm ever going to blog about the BFDT. I've been wondering the same thing myself. I keep telling myself, "Self, you really need to blog about the trip." But then I don't. I'm all rebelious that way. I hate when I tell myself what to do.

The truth is, I just can't seem to wrap my brain around it. Words like "awesome," "great," and "wonderfully spectacular" just don't even begin to do it justice. I feel woefully inadequate at expressing what this trip meant for me. The whole thing just overwhelms me and I know I can't really get it down in words. I have a list of memories, just one line reminders, really, that I wrote in the front cover of my Black Belt Sudoku book while I was babysitting Jett on my last night in Disney. Maybe I'll copy that here. But maybe not.

Will you ever get to hear my thoughts on that amazing trip? Probably. It's just gonna take a little more time. I need a little more distance.

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