Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Paying Off Disney and Swearing Off 24

Dinner was not ruined. It turned out fine, not the best roast I've ever made, but not inedible. Both guys ate and while they didn't rave about it, they did say it was good. In honor of paying off the Big Family Disney Trip yesterday, today's Jack Handey deals with Disneyland. I am finally getting into planning now that it's all paid for. We settled on 5 nights, 6 days in the parks, and the meal plan. The Vansome was anti-meal plan but I convinved him that it really was the better deal, since we would most likely spend that much each day just on the one sit down meal with the family, so it's like getting all the other food free. It also is a comfort to both of us to know that our food is prepaid, so all we need money for is travel.

I have officially given up on 24 this season. The Vansome quit watching after about the fourth or fifth week. It's just too cougered up, he says, in reference to Kim's infamous cougar encounter of Season 2. I couldn't stop watching, even though the show was getting more and more "cougered up" every week. I kept thinking that they would finally get their writing groove back, and I didn't want to miss it when it got good again. Besides, I really wanted to see the crisis resolved.
Well, they really messed up when they resolved the suitcase nuke crisis that had carried the season about 8 episodes early. They were banking on everyone being hooked by the new crisis with Audrey and the Chinese, but what they didn't realize is, a lot of viewers, like myself, are just not Audrey fans. To quote someone on a message board I read recently, "I knew Audrey wasn't really dead, but I was hopeful."
So after last week's episode, I said I wasn't going to watch anymore this season. I was tempted to turn the TV on at 8 last night, but not that much. I read a short recap and I don't regret not watching. I'm sure I'll keep up with the recaps just so I'll be up on events for next year, but I think it's too late for this season.

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