Sunday, April 22, 2007

Techno me to sleep

I made it to church this Sunday, and The Boy and I both stayed for Sunday School. He's going to my class with me, and he really likes it. I love my Sunday School class. We laugh and have a good time and I learn a lot, too. The first time The Boy joined our class, he said it was the best Sunday School class he'd ever been to. I would really love if the Vansome would come, but I think he's afraid it will be too close to being at Church. I think he would really enjoy it.

I couldn't fall asleep again last night. I took Benedryl and my other meds fairly early to give them plenty of time to kick in, but it was hours and hours before I fell asleep. The Vansome was having just as much trouble. I think it is just another of our house's curses. The Boy used to be the one with sleeping issues, but he's been sleeping just fine, so the curse must have migrated to our bedroom. We aren't seeing the wispy black smoke stuff he sees at night, but we haven't heard the music in our walls lately either. I spent the afternoon today downloading techno/house music. For some bizarre reason, listening to the repetitive beat knocks the Vansome right out. He's been listening to techno radio stations on iTunes, but the computer is in the living room, so he ends up sleeping in the chair. I found some songs by DJ Tiesto and ran them by him. He picked the one that sounded most soothing to him (named Insomnia, interestingly enough) and I burned about 40 copies of it onto a cd so he can listen to it in bed. I literally can not stand it. The repetition makes me crazy. I mean torturous, agitated, "you must turn that off right now" crazy.
I don't know what to do about my own insomnia. It'll probably go away tonight since I don't have to get up until nearly 10 tomorrow. It really is only a problem on Saturday nights. Sunday is the only day of the week I care about getting up early. So I've got another week to find a sure fire way to get to sleep that doesn't make me too sleepy the next morning.

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