Thursday, September 24, 2009

I've Been Challenged

My beloved sister has presented me with a blog challenge involoving my unfinished knitting projects. It will involve much picture taking initially, so my assignment for today is to locate my camera. I am picking up Mason from school today for a little one-on-one Aunt Holly time, and his favorite thing to do at my house is help me clean the office/guest bedroom. That is the most likely location of the camera, so expect it to be back in my hands by tomorrow.

I have another fully scheduled day today. I made a larger than average mess with dinner last night, so I didn't finish cleaning the kitchen, so that's got to be done. I'm having lunch with my original knitting partner in a couple of hours, and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm picking up the Maseycakes as I mentioned earlier. (I asked him recently if he was too old for me to call him Maseycakes now that he's 8, and he said no. I told him I'd try not to call him that around his friends, and he said it would be ok if I did. I just love that boy!)

When I take Mase home, I will be joining Ame for her walking+ exercise class that she does on Mondays and Thursdays. The class is led by a friend of hers who is a personal trainer (I think, but I may be remebering wrong). Anyway, Kathy leads the class, which includes walking around a track and then something extra, like strength training. I'm curious as to how much walking stamina I have lost after two months.

Tomorrow, I will gather all of my unfinished projects from drawers, snap-top boxes, and knitting bags. I will gather up my honesty, as well. And then I will take pictures of each and every one. Each unfinished knitting project, that is. I can't really take a picture of my honesty. I'll post the pictures and officially launch the challenge this weekend.

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