Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Quirky Husband

The Vansome has a quirk that used to irritate me to no end, but then apparently the irritation did have an end, because it doesn't really bother me now. Also, he tries really hard not to do it anymore, which is why I was reminded of it this morning.

When the Vansome tells me something, usually an instruction of sorts, I don't always catch the whole sentence. When I ask him please to repeat, he frequently only repeats a portion of what he said. The quirky thing is, he repeats the part that I did actually hear.

Example #1:

Vansome: mumblemumblemumble heat it up in the microwave.

Me: What?


Example #2:

Vansome: There's more coffee if you want to mumblemumblemumble.

Me: What?


With the exception of the times he repeats the entire sentence (which used to be rare, but are becoming more frequent, probably because I have given him such a hard time about it) he will, without fail, repeat only the part that I heard. It doesn't matter if I heard the first part or the second part. He subconciously knows which part I missed, and then repeats the other part. Possibly some latent irritation that I sometimes don't pay attention to him when he's talking.

The conversation this morning (involving the coffee he left for me) was an example of his increased awareness of the quirk. I can't remember which half I actually heard him say because it's been a couple of hours now, but he repeated the entire sentence the first time I asked.

Yeah, yeah, there's no knitting in this post, but that's the "attention deficit" part of my new title. (Ooooh, Shiny!)

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