Saturday, August 1, 2009

So I Guess I'm Going to Blog Again

Looks like I'm going to have more free time, so I'm considering blogging again. I went ahead and changed the name of my blog to better reflect who I am now. I am a knitter. I knit. Frequently and obsessively. I was also recently diagnosed with Adult ADD, although it was hardly a shocking diagnosis. I think my new doctor was clued in as soon as we met. I was stuffing needles and yarn in my bag as we walked back to her office. She asked what I was working on and I listed about four or five different half-finished projects currently in my bag. There will probably not be a large amount of finished project pictures on this blog.

I've been doing other crafty things lately as well, including jewelry making and a little bit of embroidery. I bought a sewing machine even though I have historically disliked sewing. Maybe I will learn to love it, as I did with the once hated chore of cooking dinner. Along those lines, I've also been reading up on Square Foot Gardening, so I can have fresh ingredients right outside my back door. Someday soon I'll be better at adding links to my post, but you can google it if you're interested.