One of the other blogs I read on occasion is by a high school english teacher (cups of coffee) and she has Wednesday writing challenges. I always look at them and say I'm going to take her up one Wednesday, but so far I haven't. I think I'm going to this time. It's not Wednesday and I'm not even doing the one from this week, but this challenge from a past week piqued my interest, so I'm going to give it a go.
If you aren't already aware (and harboring a secret fantasy to end up in the audience,) Oprah has an annual "Favorite Things" episode around Christmas time in which she shows off her favorite material finds for the year, and she gives one of each item to every member of her audience. Im not giving anything away, but I'm going to introduce you to my favorite material possessions. I thought I'd do it ala Oprah, and list things you could buy for yourself, but I think I'll make it a little more personal. You could probably find these things if you tried hard enough (Ebay, anyone?) but they're not all new and shiny.
So, in no particular order, except the order that they popped into my head, is an incomplete list of my favorite material possessions.
1. My car. She's seven years old this month. She has 98,292 miles on her right now (I just checked.) Her name is Babette, as in "Babette the Sex Kitten" from late 80's SNL, but I don't really call her that. I named her that when I brought her home because she's a sexy little black sports car. She's a 5-speed manual with a V6. She has been to the shop one time in her whole life, and that was for a new transmission last month. The Vansome had been wanting to replace it for two years now, but I never had any problems with it myself. I think he just doesn't know how to drive her like I do. I've gotten used to the new transmission, but it took a couple of days to re-train her to shift the way I like. She was the first car I ever bought that was exactally what I wanted, and not just what I could afford at the time. I wouldn't trade her now for anything except maybe a brand spanking new Lexus convertible.
2. My great-grandmother's wedding dishes. The first Easter after I bought my house I brought dinner over to my great-aunt's house because that was the first year she just wasn't up to getting out. She had decided she was going to die that night for some reason (this was 8 1/2 years ago and she's still here) and so she was loading me down with family treasures. I absolutely love old family possessions. I love being able to touch and live with things that belonged to my ancestors. The most treasured things I took home that night were three plates from my great-grandmother's wedding dishes. I have them hanging on the back wall in my bookshelf in the living room.
3. My Harry Potter books. I love that world. I have all seven now in hardback. My dream is to own the British versions in hardback also, as well as the audio versions on CD (American and British.) And the movies on DVD. I have all the movies that are out so far. That's about as far as my obsession goes. I don't have any memoribilia or figurines or anything like that. I have no desire to own a replica of Harry's wand. That's just silly.
4. My Dan Mackin prints. He is far and away my favorite artist. Someday I'll have originals, but for now, I just have prints. These are over my fireplace and in my dining room, respectively.
5. My WDW monorail ornament. When you push one button on the top, lights come on inside. The best part is the other button, though. When you push that one, the real monorail voice comes on to say "Welcome aboard. On behalf of the cast of the Walt Disney World Resorts, we'd like to wish you a happy holiday season." It makes me shiver with excitement every.single.time. It feels almost like being there for Christmas again. Christmas and Disney World...ahhhh, perfection.
6. My external hard drive. More specifically, what's on the hard drive, which is a pretty massive music collection. But music doesn't really count because you can't touch it, so I love that I have a hard drive big enough to hold it all, and a neat little compact way to hold such a mass of emotions and memories.
7. My jean shorts. They're slightly stretchy, and no matter how much weight I gain and lose, they're always just a little bit loose.
8. TV Guide Fall Preview issue. I mentioned this a couple of blogs ago. I won't go into it again.
9. My Couple's Bible. I love my Concordia Self-Study Bible as well, but the Couple's Bible has helped me through countless rough patches, and it feels comforting in my hands.
10. My bathroom walls. I chose a deep tuquoise color from the water in my Mackin prints when we re-did our bathroom. It makes me happy every time I look in there. I don't know if it would work in a larger room, but I might give it a try sometime, just because I can't get enough of looking at it.
OK, that's ten, and that's a good place to stop. It is definately incomplete, though.
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