Friday, May 25, 2007

Counting Down to the BFDT

Two weeks from right now I will be sitting in the sugar white sand watching the waves come in. Actually, I'll probably still be at the outlet mall shopping, but when I'm finished, we'll drive over to the beach and then I'll be sitting in the sugar white sand, watching the waves come in. I'll be all peaceful and relaxed, preparing myself mentally for the hectic excitement of Disney. I really do prefer to stop at Destin on the way down. On the way back, I'm just ready to go home. I still haven't totally ruled out retiring there. Celebration might be back on my list, too. I doubt we'll have time to drive through Celebration this trip. I'd rather spend as much time as possible in the parks before we leave. Once we're on the road again, I'll be in a hurry to get to Punta Gorda and we won't want to make any side trips. Not that Celebration is really a side trip, but it would cause it to take longer to get to PG.

I hope I have my meds straightened out by then. I realized yesterday that I was definately not on Seroquel during my drug study. I took my first real Seroquel Wednesday night and I was completely useless yesterday. I slept on and off all day, and when I was awake, I was barely lucid. My scrip is for one pill three times a day, but I only took one yesterday, around lunch. I slept well last night. I'm going to try taking one before bed each night for a while. If I don't have it worked out soon, I'll just get a scrip for something I know will work and just deal with the side effects for a week. I can't be at Disney with an out of control anxiety disorder.

The undesired side effect of Lexapro, which I now know is what I had for the study, has always been massive weight gain for me. I've taken it three times in the past, four including this study, and I've gained 10-15 pounds each time. I have finally reached the point where my clothes are uncomfortable, so I really need to do something before the BFDT. I decided today to do a little Atkins-low carb dieting for the next 2 weeks. I know it doesn't work long term, but I just need to get comfortable again and Atkins is the fastest way I know of to drop a few pounds. Even 5 would be helpful. I've also got to get serious about walking every day. I've lost even the stamina I had for our last trip.

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