Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I need to revise my idol predictions. Based on last nights performance order and this mornings dial idol results, I'm afraid my Jordin is heading home. For the past 5 seasons, the contestant who sang first on top three night was the one who went home that week. There have been no exceptions. Jordin sang first, so things are not looking good for her. Dial idol's geo-predictions showed Jordin winning only 2 more states than Blake, but losing the most states. Dial idol is far from accurate, but it usually gives me a pretty good idea of the trends. I'm excited about Maroon 5 performing at the results show tonight! I haven't heard their new song yet, I'll have to download it, but I might wait until after tonight just in case it's more like the abomination that is "She Will Be Loved" and less like "Shiver" and "Harder to Breathe."

My property is being surveyed as I type. Hopefully we can get moving on our loan again. If the survey shows we don't need flood insurance I don't know what I'll do. I don't think we need flood insurance, but we have been going round and round with FEMA and their flood mapping people for so long that I'm afraid they'll insist on two more surveys or some other time consuming and expensive hoops to jump through before they will change our flood risk status. I really would rather the survey put us smack in the middle of the high risk zone so we can just get the damn insurance and get our loan. I'm so very very tired of FEMA and flood risks. I told the Vansome maybe God's trying to warn us that we're going to have a freak flood and we'll be need this flood insurance. If Marlar Engineering says we don't need flood insurance, but FEMA still says we do, I'll have a complete breakdown.

Brother C called this morning. He's making a mix CD for us to all take on the Big Family Disney Trip. He was asking what we might want to listen to, and I suggested Beastie Boys License to Ill, which I am now listening to. That CD always reminds me of him and high school. I'm looking forward to hearing what else he has on it. I'm sure he'll have me laughing the whole way. I love my big brother.

I've got a good to do list going today because tomorrow Ill be running my cars little wheels off. Tomorrow the Vansome is having LASIK done on his eyes. He's wanted to have his eyes done for as long as I've known him. He can't wear contacts and he really hates his glasses. I've had contacts since I was 12, so I don't really mind them. I would like to have the surgery, but it's pretty far down on the priority list for me. We have set aside money for the Vansome to have his done a few times in the past, but something always came up, like braces for The Boy or last years Disney trip (we hadn't been in 3 years and it was such a good deal we couldn't pass it up.) I'm really excited for him. He was almost too excited to sleep last night. He'll be bouncing off the walls tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow I also have my last major visit for the anxiety drug study. It's a very busy visit, blood draws, EKG, weight, vitals, waist measurement, seeing two different doctors, several questonaires, and a phone questionaire. I have no idea how long it will all take, but I'll probably have to leave in the middle to take the Vansome. Hopefully The Boy won't have to work late so I can get him home before I have to pick up the Vansome. He will be on major drugs initially because they want him to sleep for the first 24 hours. I may try to sleep on the couch because I would really hate to accidentally poke him in the eye. If he's really drugged, he may forget to sleep facing away from me, and I've come close to poking him in the eye more than once in the past 7 1/2 years.

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